Diversion Therapy
So while I'm preoccupied, I'll share this comment that I received 2 years ago. It came to my private email so it's never been seen by anyone else, but it was wonderful to receive. The genuinely lovely guy that sent it is having a bit of a tricky time currently although his incurable optimism is already showing signs of a recurrence. If you like his sentiments, go tell him.
I like to browse a few blogs and give a little encouragement where due because I know myself it's nice to receive a compliment on what you've written. The only trouble is you have to trawl through endless reams of dross to find one little diamond. If only I could somehow filter out all the teenage angst stuff, the people with political chips on their shoulders, the websites featuring fluffy animals, and all those sites where people whinge on about how awful their lives are because someone has left them and they're heartbroken.
Hmmm what's left? OK take away the sites dedicated to Jesus Christ their saviour and all the other religious fanatics and all those that I can't understand because they're written in arabic or something, then we can filter out the adverts telling us how to save millions or get rich quick.Then and only then I might get a chance to read something that is actually humourous and interesting. Yours was one of those worth reading. I love it when people can make a joke of their own misadventures. It's a more positive attitude. And we need more positive attitude in this world.Thank you for making the effort. Keep up the good work.
No, Mike. Thank you x