Thursday, October 28, 2004

It's happened. Worst fears and wildest dreams look like becoming a reality!

I arrived home from a rather pleasant day at the office - or rather half a day at my office, which was a bit manic given that I had to plough through 2 days-worth of e-mails,messages, voice-mail and post. That took up most of the morning leaving me time enough to whip out 5 tapes for my secretaries - good job the transcribe machine slows me down, I was like Peggy Babcock!

Then off to one of our satelllites to hold the fort whilst the Main man was away. I was late, of course, so my first client was already waiting. He had a cup of tea so he was happy enough. Life seems so much more relaxed out in the suburbs. A few more chilled clients down, a bit of new business and I was presented with a glass of wine. Now why don't my staff do that? It would calm me down so much more!

There was no phone on my desk and the rather antiquated, ear-wax becaked(! I swear to god! How does he do that?) dictaphone sitting there didn't inspire me to work! I pushed a few files around, rearranged the desk-toys into a much more auspicious setting and then went downstairs for a gossip whilst I finished my wine. Lovely!

And then home for the bombshell! They've put a reserve on a Villa! That can only mean 2 things!

1. My stepfather is moving permanently abroad within the next few years! Hoorah!

2. He's going to sell the house and I'm going to have to buy my own! Boo Hoo! The B*****d chose the very point that the economy and house prices are on the turn. The loathing is clearly mutual.


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