Friday, October 08, 2004

The term self-starter has been attributed to me in the past. I think self-ender could apply equally as well occasionally.

I've basically got impatient at the speed that whatever is going on with Cute is going on. I've taken dramatic action! I've emailed him.

I started off by stating how good it was to see him last night - it was, I enjoyed it, I really like him. I've then pointed out that it's his turn to come up with some suggestions for things to do. I'm sure he's capable of coming up with them himself but I'm concerned he's waiting for me to hit the 50-club before he thinks I'll be interested. I've been helpful, I've given him a list of examples to start from - Scrabble, crossword, cup of tea, large glass of wine, dvd and comfy sofa, dancing, movies etc.

I've also shown my patient side. I've told him not to feel any pressure to suggest something immediately. I've tempered that with the warning that if I start to worry that he's not come up with anything within what I would consider to be a reasonable time, I may well resort to the nipple tassle and feather boa routine! I meant that as a joke, so I'm going to stay off red wine for the foreseeable future to ensure it remains so and does not lead to a court injunction against me.


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