Monday, October 04, 2004

It's taken me all weekend to recover from Thursday. I was supposed to be up at 5am. I was horrified to be awoken by Sarah Kennedy - that meant it was 6.15 and I was late - very late!

I had fortuitously planned ahead, I'm confident but aware of my limitations, so I was able to throw myself into some very carefully positioned and easy to negotiate when weary clothes and was on the empty road within 15 minutes. I'd even managed to pack a bag for that evening and remembered to pick it up! Result!

I slipped into the meeting just as they were about to sit down to breakfast, I might have got away with it, had it not been for the constant references to tardiness and my supremacy at it that I made within my 60 second delivery - doh!

Work went well throughout the rest of the day and I was pleased to sink into Sophie's comfy couch shortly after 5 - I am rapidly beginning to realise where all my energy goes - it's down the road and over the Bridge that depletes my reserves as well as my wallet - I must start to think about buying a house nearer work and a social life.

Anyway, we ate - me more than the rest - and then spent a very different enjoyable evening in a posh tent in a posh village with posh folk, culminating in Sarah stealing the show in her feather boa. It was fun! I spent a daft amount of money on cards and wrapping paper, old habits die hard.

Yesterday was worthy of note, only for the fact that I defrosted 10 years build-up of ice from my freezer. And what a task it was. I had begun to notice a problem when the glacier from the freezer was taking more room in the fridge compartment than my Friendly-Bacteria Supplements! As I had largely run out of food, I decided now was the time to take my soothing eye-masks out of their cool resting place and make more space for cheese. I had to chisel it with a butter knife - my right arm is killing me - I haven't had that much aerobic activity since........ ok, so I'm not one for exercise!

My early-riser catches the worm routine is going great guns with the unexpected assistance of Stephen! He called at 7.27!!!!! this morning to tell me he was going fishing - taken it up because Jack had mentioned he enjoyed it apparently. He had to catch the tide to catch Salmon!!!! FFS!!!

He then dropped into the conversation that he's up in court on Wednesday - non-payment of maintenance - would he go to prison? could I recommend a solicitor!! FFS!!! Oh! And would we remember his birthday? Sure! We'll buy you a present just as soon as your maintenance cheque clears!

The rest of the weekend has been a DVD/Minstrel fest punctuated with Crispy Duck cooked with my own fair hand and Lamb Delight - I even bought jaffa cakes and Chewy Sultana Cookies - Jack ate them! I can't even enjoy psuedo-sex!!


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