Saturday, August 07, 2004

It's the weekend - official! Nadia has won - I wept - fuck knows why - but I did! I thought my days of weeping at Andrex adverts was over but I guess I'm still soft. I have made a conscious effort to stay away from BB this year - I really am not in the slightest bit interested - but Jack kept coming through with titbits and I eventually succumbed.

Do not think for one minute that the new TV has anything to do with being able to watch the Final Eviction! Fuck! No! The Olympics and Restoration Final only!

I counted up what work I had left on my desk tonight when I sneaked off at 6.20 - 7 contracts to check (3 of them are big 'orrible ones) and 2 files from hell. That is the lightest my desk has been in the last 10 years at least - wish my scales would match it. I used to get anxious at this sort of time - that nobody wanted me and that I would be sad and redundant within the month - but I have learnt from experience that this time of year is always a bit slow and that it soon starts to flood back in when the hols draw to a close -it seems to have started, I've opened 9 new files in 5 days - that's far less than I was doing a few months ago - but much more manageable - especially with my super-duper Lisa.

So what do I have planned for the weekend? - absolutlely sweet FA - Result or what? I can sleep in without conscience - my wedding outfit is sorted and if worst comes to shove - I can always give Eva&Roger an IOU - I know exactly what I want to buy them - but having spent a few hours surfing the net and only finding the type of thing in the £150-800 price bracket, they might have to wait whilst I save up or think of an alternative. It will be fab whatever it is!


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