I've spent a weekend in Birmingham on a housing conference.
I've seen Van Morrison and Morrissey in the same week, the former on a free Press ticket. I've written my first music review which will be published next month. The review written by the proper journalist I went with was rejected. I tried not to feel ever so slightly smug. Beginner's luck.
I've had a perm. It was very hard trying to find an afro comb. I had to go back to 1988 before they were in stock.
I've been to the pictures twice. I've had 2 Board Meetings and a smear test.
I'm on the back of the local free Arts mag this month. I'd have changed the names of the real friends I'd written about if I'd known they'd use it. There can't be too many Candice's with big tits in Lincolnshire.
I've got plaster on my walls. That temporarily was at the expense of electricity which managed to become disconnected during the plastering process. All utility services are now fully functioning.
I have partial flooring and beautiful laminate in my conservatory. There is a very good chance I may have furniture by Easter.
I have had a couple of dates and another on Friday. I have a writing tutorial tomorrow. That is quite possibly the most significant meeting of all.
I have had a DVD of 32 Morrissey videos lovingly made for me by a chap who really needs to get out of his flat more. It came in the post yesterday. I was thrilled.
I won my first ever eBay auction. I am now the proud owner of a Vintage Deluxe Scrabble set.
I have a rugby pitch to shiver beside this evening.
I have taken over the running of the comedy clubs. Jon's moving to Manila. He tried extreme internet dating and liked it. I'll be in Hull, Louth, Doncaster, Thirsk, Scarborough and possibly Durham.
I have to find a way to eat, sleep, shop and iron whilst driving.
Any suggestions?